6:00-7:00pm (EST-USA)
Sponsored by:
Majestic Yoga Studio
Cambridge, Ma.
10:00-11:00am (EST-USA)
Sponsored by:
Majestic Yoga Studio
Cambridge, Ma.
Where: On The Mat Yoga
On The Mat Yoga Studio
When: Fridays
February 28
March 28
This class consists of Restorative Meridian Yoga
a sampling of Zen Shiatsu Bodywork
Class is limited to 6 Students
6:30-8:00pm (EST-USA)
Where: DeCordova Museum & Sculpture Park: Lincoln, Ma.
February 17
March 23
Time: 11:30am - 12:30pm (EST-USA)
Bring your own, water, yoga mat and props.
This class is sponsored by On The Mat Yoga, Concord
Tara Rachel’s journey into yoga and mindfulness began in 1991 while studying to become a Montessori Educator. Maria Montessori stated that the “inner life” of the teacher was the key ingredient to human-education. While writing her thesis on Peace and Education, Tara Rachel encountered the profound benefits of mind-body practices. As an Educator, Children’s Yoga Teacher Trainer, Parent Coach, Zen Shiatsu Practitioner and Adult Yoga Teacher, her path and style of instruction, weaves the wisdom of ancient teachings, with present day mindful awareness.
She has completed multiple yoga teacher training courses since 1996. Tara Rachel’s teaching has been known in the Boston area, as she was both a student, and teacher, under Boston’s Master Teachers, Baron Baptiste, Barbara Benagh and Arthur Kilmurray.
Her passion and interest in embodied anatomy and yoga led her to study infant developmental movement and somatic anatomy/yoga with the founder of The School for Body Mind Centering, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, who’s work remains a central axis in her approach with students of all ages. She has studied extensively (since 2000) with Prajna Yoga, founded by Tias and Surya Little, and continues ongoing trainings with them.
Tara Rachel’s classes are unique and flowing, yet, formed and detailed in postural alignment with breath. Rooted with inspiration of her studies, Tara Rachel guides a practice rich in subtle depth, and tailored to meet the student’s needs individually, and collectively, as a class.
In addition, she is a pioneer of children's yoga in the Boston area. She has worked professionally with children since 1989. She has developed her own approach to children's yoga, which is simply, yet uniquely, a synthesis of education, developmental movement, and yogic teachings.
Yoga is the cessation of the movements in the consciousness.”
-Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras: Samadhi Pada: Sutra:2 as translated by BKS Inyengar-
“Yoga is defined as restraint of the fluctuations in the consciousness. It is art of studying the behavior of consciousness, which has three functions; cognition, conation or volition, and motion. Yoga shows ways of understanding the functions of the mind, and helps to quieten their movements, leading one towards an undisturbed state of silence of mental discipline through which the mind becomes cultured and matured.”
-BKS Iyengar-
Tara Rachel is a student of the life practice of yoga. It has been her aim to align her life in the world with the inner life of yoga practice. YOGA means union; the joining of the physical, mental and spiritual elements of life. It is a process of integration of one’s entire being and an opportunity for an awakening of a deep awareness that, through practice, we return to the memory of our inborn wholeness. The practice of yoga is a vehicle for developing a deep and conscious relationship with one’s individual self and therefore the cosmic aspect of self.
QI FLOW (Meridian) YOGA: This class is sequenced in accordance with the Qi Flow Clock as taught in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The asanas nourish and promote the smooth flow of Qi through the meridian channels and restore inner balance.
SIVANANDA YOGA: Sivananda yoga is based on the teachings of Sri Swami Sivananda. Sivananda’s teachings were introduced to the west by his student, Swami Vishnu Devananda. The teachings were simply laid out, by Swami Vishnu, in 5 components: Proper Exercise, Proper Breathing, Proper Relaxation, Proper Diet, Positive Thinking and Meditation. This class consists of deep relaxation, pranayama (breathing practices), classical sun salutations, asanas (postures) for opening the hips and strengthening the abdominals, followed by a set series of postures to enhance spinal flexibility, mental focus, self-awareness and calm nervous tension. Some Sanskrit chanting will be practiced at the beginning and end of the session.
CLASSICAL HATHA YOGA: This class includes detailed attention to postural alignment and our connection to the internal rhythms of the body-mind experience. This practice inspires moving gracefully within a mindful attention to the breath. As a trained bodyworker, she supports her students to discover an appropriate approach to individual practice that brings harmony to the whole person.
Tara Rachel Jones is a sensitive, caring and skilled private yoga instructor. She will work closely and precisely with you to support your personal practice.