We Offer Parent Mentoring to Support your Individual Family Journey
Parenting in this era includes many approaches. It can be overwhelming to find a fit that works. We offer individual support for Parents, Caregivers and Educators looking for wisdom and guidance in their self-discovery along the way.
Thank You for choosing The Wisdom Garden as part of your parenting journey. All sessions are held live on zoom (No Recordings). As we work together, we will discuss your unique questions and inquiries.
Gatherings Seeds: To make the most of our time together helpful and effective, please prepare your questions and topics beforehand, and email them to your WG mentor.
Planting Seeds: After our session, you will receive resources and tools that we have discussed.
Tilling the Garden: Give yourself 3-6 weeks to put your tools into practice. Feel free to email us
with questions or reflections along the way.
UNDERSTANDING THE NEEDS OF CHILDREN with Tara Rachel Jones or Kirsten Carr: There are many perspectives on child development that support the milestones in the life continuum of a human being, that can gleam insight into how to relate to a child. After discussing your child’s biography, we can review child development theories to come to a greater understanding of the various temperaments of children that helps formulate strategies for meeting the unique needs of your child.
PARTNERING FOR COMPLIANCE with Tara Rachel Jones or Kirsten Carr: When we have children, partner’s similarities and differences quickly arise to the surface. Cultivating a common vision of shared family values, supports partnering (whether married or apart) in a positive way, to instill consistency in raising your child with stability and balance.
FAMILY LIFESTYLE RHYTHM with Tara Rachel Jones or Kirsten Carr: Developing a family routine that works for everyone can be a challenge with individual scheduling. After discussing your family’s daily/weekly and seasonal schedule, we will map out specific rhythms that can bring more balance, fun and reverence to the mundane.
HARMONIOUS HOMES Tara Rachel Jones or Kirsten Carr: Living peacefully with children is a balance between the needs of the adults and the unique needs of the developing child. Tara Rachel and Kirsten are skilled at helping parents rearrange the layout of their home so that it inspires responsibility and cooperation within children.
FLOWER FAMILY YOGA AND MINDFULNESS with Tara Rachel Jones: Practice Yoga and Mindfulness as a family. Tara Rachel brings a child- centered practice for families to learn mind-body habits that are suitable for your child’s age. Her Family classes access the jewels of ancient wisdom in a way that empower parents to connect with, and engage with their children in a fun, accessible approach.
WHOLESOME SNACKS AND MEALS FOR CHILDREN with Tara Rachel Jones: Tara Rachel has a wide range background in whole foods preparation including the ancient practices of Ayurveda, Macrobiotics and 5 Element Theory and raw food preparation. We will go over your family’s typical daily food intake and create a menu that is nutritious, child friendly and catered to your family food culture and the seasons. We will also create simple recipe books which contain yummy, healthy snacks and lunch options for your children.
Guidelines and Policies
1. These sessions are deemed for Parent Education and Inquiry only. Tara Rachel and Kirsten are NOT offering Family Therapy, nor licensed as psychotherapists.
2. Tara Rachel and Kirsten share their expertise on the topics they are trained and certified to offer. Should other topics that are beyond the scope of their offerings come up, they will redirect the topic with resources or referrals when possible.
3. Our sessions will be held live on Zoom. You will be sent a link upon scheduling the session.
4. Our discussion completely confidential in a client-practitioner relationship.
30-Minute Parent Tune up: $60
1 hour session - $200
1 & 15mins - $250
1 & ½ hour session- $300
2-hour session - $400
Sliding- Scale available-upon request
Each Session includes: Our time together AND a follow-up WG Tool Chest
1. Please give at least 24 hours’ notice for canceling or rescheduling a session.
2. Any missed or last-minute cancellations will be charged the full fee for individual appointments made.
3. Payment is due prior to the appointment.
We are committed to supporting families from a wide range of economic backgrounds.
Please ask for the sliding scale ONLY IF you are truly in need.
30-Minute Parent Tune up: $ 40-60
1 hour session - $ 75-200
Please write us and let us know why you need the sliding scale.
In addition to Parent mentoring, Tara Rachel Jones and Kirsten Carr are the Co-Founders of:
The Parent Gathering.
As Certified Simplicity Parenting Facilitators, they also offer specific group series' for parents and caregivers.
Tara Rachel Jones, M.Ed. has been working professionally with young children since 1989. She received her B.A in Early Childhood Education in 1991 from Simmons College, Boston and a certified and experienced Montessori teacher. She received her M.Ed. in both Waldorf Early Childhood and Elementary Education in 2009 from Antioch New England Graduate University in Keene, NH. Since 1997, She has pioneered yoga and mindfulness programs for children from pre-k – Grade 12, throughout the Boston area in Public, Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Waldorf, alternative Private Schools and Youth Organizations. She has maintained a stronghold in the field of education by bringing yoga and mindfulness workshops to teachers and parents. In 2011, she started a Yoga Teacher Training course for those aspiring to teach yoga to children, youth, teens and families. She is also a certified Zen Shiatsu Therapist. Tara Rachel has a passionate and keen interest in child and adult development and the mind-body connection. She has studied the work of and with, Simplicity Parenting founder, Kim John Payne since 2005. She is a Certified Simplicity Parenting Family Life Coach, Simplicity Parenting Discipline and Guidance Group Leader, and a Simplicity Parenting Family Life Group Leader.
Kirsten Carr, M.Ed., has been working with children since 1982. She graduated summa cum laude from Endicott College, where she received a B.S. in Psychology, and M.Ed. in Elementary Education. She later pursued her second M.Ed., in Waldorf Early Childhood Education from Sun-Bridge Institute. Since 1996 Kirsten has worked in a wide range of capacities as an educator for infants incorporating the (RIE) method, parent-tot, transitional nursery and nursery in both Montessori and Waldorf schools. Her parent education work has been inspired by the founder of Simplicity Parenting, Kim John Payne since 2005. Kirsten is a nurturing Waldorf Parent/Child and Transitional-Nursery Teacher, skilled storyteller, gifted puppeteer and a beloved parent mentor. She is Certified as both a Simplicity Parenting Discipline and Guidance Group Leader, and a Simplicity Parenting Family Life group Leader.
Painting by Aaron L.Jones